Friday, May 29, 2009







Monday, May 18, 2009

All Coming

All of you have come 4 weeks before holiday,you all seem strong this time how will i conquer you all ne?

Haiz...Wat choice do i have?

I have done it before and i will do it again.

All those sickening PROJECTS i am here ready(not so sure haha)to conquer your ass.Yey man!

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Been pretty lazy to update my blog dis past week cause i was so damn tired and maybe lazy.So many thing happens that i cant even type finish.Well nvm just let bygones be bygones.
Anyway due to the stupid swine flu all of NYP student have to do two temp checking per day.Den you have sticker to show that you are clear for AM or PM.Bloody hell we have to show our admin card and sticker b4 we can eat at e canteen,it was just totally like an army camp when my course is already it.
Luckily this was suspended during Thurs cause the colour was dropped to orange.Better or else i totally feel like an army man.
Well that it for dis week.Next week:Assignment here i come!!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Last Few Days.....

It have been awhile since i blog,so just let me summarize what i have done the last 3 days.

Labour Day went to bird's hse and played Mahjong till 4.30am in the Morning.Tired but satisfied although i only won $1.35 but we played One Tai 10cents so ok.The best thing is i was losing $4.70 den well suddenly luck changes and i started winning out of e blue.Haha it was so cool...
Went down wif Xav and co to repair bird's car then it was again Mahjong.I lost but the cool thing is we did not play money cause Xian Hong got some religion stuff so we can't play wif Money.
Watch X-Men Origin wif Xav and co and Meeting for the first time in such a long time Wei Kit and his new GF Lynn.The show was rather mediocre but still nice thanks to Hugh Jackmen who make the show damn nice.Then went to eat at New York New York and then went home.

Well den what past is history what now i mus do is able to memories 46 Japanese Characters in 2 hrs?Damn it.....